Missing a tooth no longer means that you need to go the rest of your life without it. There are several tooth replacement options out there to choose from. Dental implants are a preferred method because of their numerous benefits, including the fact that they feel just like your natural teeth. But what if you start experiencing sensitivity around your dental implant? There are several reasons why this could be happening. Continue reading to learn what they are and what you can do about it.
What Are the Causes of Dental Implant Sensitivity?
While the implant itself isn’t a natural part of your body, you can still feel sensitivity in the area directly around the implant. Here are some reasons why you could be experiencing this:
- Infection: If you end up developing a gum infection, this can cause you to have issues with your dental implant. For instance, periodontal disease, which is an infection of the gum tissue, can eventually cause a loss of bone density. This means that your dental implant can become loose and even fall out over time.
- Crowding teeth: If your implant is too close to your other teeth, it can cause uncomfortable crowding and sensitivity in the area.
- Impaction: If food or other particles become impacted between your dental implant and natural tooth, this can cause you to develop sensitivity in that area.
- Tissue or nerve damage: There is the possibility that your gum tissue and nerves became damaged during the dental implant placement process. Tissue damage can heal, but nerve damage may be permanent. This is why it’s so important for you to choose a skilled, trusted implant dentist for your surgery.
- Allergic reaction: While they don’t happen very often, allergies to the titanium alloy that implants are made from are a possibility.
How Can You Reduce Dental Implant Sensitivity?
While sensitivity and dental implant failure aren’t always in your control, there are still numerous steps that you can take to reduce your risk. Here are a few of them:
- Eat plenty of calcium to support jawbone density
- See your dentist every six months for routine dental checkups
- Maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine
- Use an antibacterial mouthwash to prevent gum inflammation
- Ask your dentist about nightguards if you clench or grind your teeth
- Limit sugary foods and beverages
- Cut out tobacco and nicotine products
There are numerous reasons why you may be experience dental implant sensitivity, so talk to your dentist. This way, they can get to the root of the problem, and you can get some relief!
About the Author
Dr. Nick Cobb earned his dental doctorate from the University of Texas Dental branch-Houston and is committed to continuing education to keep his knowledge and skills sharp. Currently, he is actively involved with the American Dental Association and is a delegate for the Texas Dental Association. For more information on dental implants or to schedule an appointment at his office in Waco, visit his website or call (254) 776-3310.